Presentation and Workshop Offerings
We are working hard to spread the message that Utah women need to complete college degrees and certificates! We can offer keynote addresses, presentations, and workshops that would focus primarily on the following:
Utah Women and Education Research Findings
Customized presentations can range from 20-75 minutes for typical presentations and longer for workshop formats. Presentations are given by Dr. Susan R. Madsen, Lead Researcher and Senior Advisor. Contact Dr. Madsen with questions or requests.
Other Offerings
Customized presentations can be designed for a variety of audiences (e.g., girls, teens, women, teachers, school administrators and counselors, employees, and other community groups). These presentations will help individuals learn more about the benefits of women getting their education and also the resources that can help them do so. These presentations are given by the Advisors or the Initiative Coordinator and can be from 10-90 minutes in length.