Clips & Videos

Featured Video

Spy Hop Productions and the Utah Women and Girls Lead Initiative created the following documentary short, “Realms of Possibility.”

Realm of Possibility from Spy Hop Productions on Vimeo.

View our recent PSA donated by KSL. Featuring Senator Pat Jones, Pam Denicke, Yudi Lewis, and Geneva Thompson.


The Utah Education Network (UEN) has produced the following public service announcements focusing on the benefits of education. These video clips can be used to complement presentations and discussions in a variety of settings.

The Benefits of Higher Education

Civic Life

Economic Benefits

The Gift of Higher Education

Personal Benefits of Higher Education

Saving for College

Higher Education for Moms

A Dads Impact on Higher Education

Mental Benefits of Higher Education

Physical Health Benefits of Higher Education

The Secret to College Success


The Utah Women and Education Project (UWEP) produced these videos in conjunction with the research of Dr. Susan R. Madsen and Immortal Media Productions. The videos underscore the importance of completing a college education.

Making College a Priority: The Benefits of Higher Education for Women in Utah

Pieces of the Puzzle: Influencing Utah Women to Graduate from College

….In Their Own Words: The Voices of Utah Women about Their College Choices