Fathers can play a tremendous role in helping their daughters love learning

 Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16, and we recognize and honor fathers for the role they play in shaping their children’s future. Specifically a father can play a tremendous role in helping his daughter love learning and want to attend college. In the research conducted by the Utah Women and Education Project, a young woman who graduated from college was significantly more likely to have had a father who did the following throughout her upbringing:

  • Read to her.
  • Helped her with her school projects and other homework.
  • Took her to cultural events and other activities.
  • Attended school events.
  • Created learning experiences for her inside and outside the home (e.g., gave her the materials and directions to build something and guided her as needed; taught her to change a tire; worked with her to plant a garden).
  • Set a positive example through prioritizing education for himself (e.g., observed him reading books, heard him ask questions to others, watched him earn a college degree, and discussed with him what he had learned).
  • Helped her develop lifelong learning skills.

So thank you, Dads, for everything you do, and especially for encouraging your daughters to start and complete their education. Have a Happy Father’s Day! For more information about taking an active role, please check out the Research Snapshots on our /assets/RS_No._2-Fathers.pdf .